Sunday, December 02, 2007

Welcomed guest's...

I think Mom must have modeled...'full throttle, pedal to the metal' house cleaning, decorating, and other various touches when hosting guests. Bob can't believe what an addict I become when it comes to making everything "perfect". Unfortunately, I am left exhausted and without a lot witty banter. Needless to say if guests are truly your friends or family they are caring, understanding, and just happy to spend time with you.

This seemed to be the case when our friends from Switzerland came to visit, the only thing that put a damper on their visit was when going out to breakfast prior to their leaving town, someone backed into their rental car in the parking lot. That having been said the person had the waite staff find the custodian of the vehicle so she could provide her insurance information and the damage was minor, more of an inconvenience than anything else, we just felt badly that during their hectic business schedule they would be left juggling insurance writ- rot with the rental company.

Suffice it to say that our visit was nice, the house is clean and decorated for the holiday season, and now I plan to enjoy a cup of hot tea and a good book for a much deserved break.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean you get to stay with them in Switzerland? We're only a couple of hours away from Geneva {grin}.

Jill said...

No passports as yet...but we've already advised that family comes first, friends come second when visiting is concerned.