Sunday, August 27, 2006

Bring on the sheep...

I have never counted sheep to get to sleep, but currently I am rethinking this possibility.

Bob attended a four day out of town seminar series and I decided to stay behind to take care of some of the have to's that have been plaguing my mind.

After dismantling my office, bankers boxes filled to the brim of old paperwork for shredding, and a heap of items I no longer have use for; I implemented my 'cardio program' of going up and down the stairs, until I surpassed the fatigue level into sheer exhaustion and then proceeded to get my second wind....problem being I have been averaging only 3-4 hours a sleep a night for the last week.

How can you turn off your brain? I tried listening to soothing music, have had the room quiet trying to get lost in the sounds of the oscillating fan, and tried mental imagery of what I hope my office will look like when we eventually paint and I have reorganized everything. NOPE...I start to dose off and then it is like a light switch has been turned on and my brain is reactivated on all the items still on my to do list.

So, as a last resort I say, "Bring on the sheep!"

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I just read this and thought..."Yes!"

Different Ways Of Navigating
We're All In The Same Boat...

We're all in the same boat. We just have different paddles, and perhaps we find ourselves on different rivers. We all live in human bodies. These are the vehicles in which we move through our world. We are all made of flesh, blood, and bone, with brains, hearts, and lungs to power us. Our paddles-the tools we use to move through the world-vary, as do the bodies of water-the environments-in which we find ourselves.

Some of us use our high IQs to get where we want to go. Some of use our smiles, others use kindness, a gift with language, or athletic ability. Some of these qualities we were born with and others are skills we have learned. Considering this metaphor in light of your own life can be very enlightening. What tools are you using to get from point A to point B in your life? Chances are, you and the people you know have used many different tools in various combinations throughout your lives to get where you needed to go. Just as with oars or paddles, a balanced approach is best. If you rely too much on one thing, like beauty, to open doors, you fail to be well-rounded and you may eventually lose your equilibrium. And if you lose that one quality, you have no paddle at all. This is inspiration to develop multiple tools to navigate your world.

Some of us may be moving along paths that are like rushing rivers; others may be on a large, still lake. We have all felt, at one time or another, tossed about on a stormy ocean. Through all this, we are never really alone, even though it might seem that way. There is inspiration all around us in the form of other people making their way through the world, in the very same boat.
Remember to look around you for role models, companionship, and encouragement.