I am sure you are well aware of the sudden mysterious disappearance of our bee population, and how dire the circumstances if this isn't resolved swiftly. PBS had a special program that dismissed the fiction from what they presume is fact...a viral infection that is similar to the AIDS virus in humans, where it effects the immune system of the Bee's.
My laugh for today...
OKAY...Bob ran into a gal that he works with on occasion since her livelihood is flower arranging for Weddings and the like. They got to chitchatting and she mentioned that she has a theory as to what is happening to the bee's....according to her they are starting their own hives. (Note: When Bob told me this I nearly came unglued with laughter.) I said to Bob, "Sure, that's what it is! They want to 'bee' emancipated...like Susan 'Bee' Anthony." So let's just say she is unfamiliar with how Bee colonies operate ... with the Queen Bee and the drones. I also went on to do some more comical mocking of how the drone's were tired of the Queen Bee's high maintenance expectations and that's why they were going to start their own equal opportunity colonies!
So in conclusion, I would say...'think before you speak' and 'it is better to be thought the fool, then to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.'
I don't mean to sound mean spirited, but, hey if I don't know something I am reluctant on sharing an opinion unless I have more details and information. Even as I write this I know that I don't have all the information on the Bee's but I am willing to find out and more importantly I hope we don't find out the hard way in the long run.
The world is full of uninformed folks who love to spout pet theories....I think G-d put them on Earth to (1) provide a little humor for the rest of us and (2) to test our humility when we're confronted with sheer idiocy. {grin}
You have said a mouthful. Your words are true, true, true!
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