I think to myself, "Ummmm, it has been 3 years this March since Buddy-Love had passed away, yet I will forever be known as the lady with the white dog...hmmm, I wonder if that means anything?."
Gary Shandling was on the David Steinbrenner talk show and when he was asked about the probability of him ever marrying, before he answered seriously he had this to say," Can you just imagine Buddha sitting there in deep meditation and his wife says to him..."Since you're just sitting there doing nothing, do you suppose you could take out the garbage while your doing that?" I have heard couples that have been married along time interact in just this way and this comment completely cracked me up too darn funny!!!!!
I have a movie favorite that I haven't seen in years and it was called "What is so Bad About Feeling Good?" PLOT LINE: A new infection that simply makes people feel happy is treated as a threat by the authorities while its "victims" work to spread it to others.
Although this movie was made back in 1968 it somehow reminds me of the regular occurrence of each generation having it's own breakthrough concept on how to live a better more fulfilling life. As these principles emerge and more people are intrigued, then you have a glut of what I like to call 'dismantlers' people who want to keep things status quo...the 'misery loves company' mentality.'
If you are constantly down in the dumps, bemoaning your lot in life, and never acknowledging the beauty & joy of what we would call the day to day stuff such as: the flowers blooming, the smell left after a good down pour of rain, or the warmth of a caring hug-your thoughts are going project onto others the lack you feel you have in your own life.
Last random thought: I don't understand this situation one iota? There was an abandoned polar bear cub that was rescued and has been nurtured at a Zoo. The Zoo was met with opposition by 'animal rights activists' that want to euthanize the polar cub since it wasn't living in its natural habitat. SO, let me get this straight...the people 'protecting' the animals 'rights' want to kill the animal...whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????!!! Like I said, I don't understand this one iota.