Shocked, surprised and dismayed...
ZOO: People visiting zoos so they can watch in voyeuristic delight as they consume champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries, and dine by candlelight as the animals "do the wild thing".
Okay, I just have to know a couple of things
(1) How does the zoo orchestrate the animals passions so they will be amourous for the adoring public?
(2) Doesn't this just creep you out a little bit...people getting frisky watching animals "do it"...Ewwwwwwwwww!
VALENTINE HATERS: This article states that there is a growing trend in the anti-Valetine's Day card market. American Greetings, for one, has started a new line of Valentine's that are humor based and lack sentimentality Example: On the outside of the card there is a Heart under the "no" with a circle and slash symbol and on the inside it reads, Valentine's Day, when hell & holidays collide.
Okay, again, is it just me?! Isn't this a discouraging trend? Where people seem less focused on the positive's of a nice holiday and it would appear to be riding on the band wagon of hostility, anger, & distain. Where is the love I ask you? Where... is.... the love? [ tee,hee,tee, hee ]
NOT STINGY ON VALENTINE'S DAY: A newly married staff writer for our local paper posed the question to online Bloggers whether he should adhere to the $3.00 rule his wife and he agreed upon for Valentine's Day. He didn't feel 'right' about investing so little, because of years of conditioning. Here are some condensed comments for your opinion(s):
"Don't do it right and it will cost you half your stuff..."
"It's about time someone waged war on this holiday!"
"...This annoying holiday comes around just like Christmas. How about a break? Once every 5 years should be sufficient!"
There was only one comment that was positive and that was written by the one female blogger, no one offered him any advice to his question, and these 'men' seem to perceive themselves as prey to women's ways. Whaaaaaaaaat? Seriously, What the heck is going on?!
When I finished reading the paper I felt like my "love-balloon" had been deflated, then Bob came home from his morning meeting and I got a hug and a kiss....ahhhhhhhh, I found the love!
Ahhhh.....see, you just needed Bob, not the holiday!
I think all the negativity is due to the over-commercialization of Valentine's Day. It used to be sort of a sweet, Victorian, send-a-note type of holiday, and now it's as over-hyped as Christmas, making it seem an obligatory potlatch instead of an expression of genuine affection.
I couldn't agree with you more, as with most of the holidays now days, it seems that the 'hype' has diminished the sweetness & orgins of the holiday(s). This is why observing the holidays for their orginal intent takes a little more initiative & examination to celebrate the simple loveliness that inspired the holiday(s) to begin with.
LOL .... the zoo had me giggling...no I don't want to do the zoo thing.
Meeeeeeeee either!!! YUCK!!! How anyone can find 'romance' from animal cavorting is beyond me. Glad you got a chuckle out of it.
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