Because one of my dearest friends can see smoke plumes from her window at home, as it draws closer, she is packed and "at the ready" to pick up stakes and move to safe territory. So far in her Orange County community the wonderful fire fighters have been able to keep the fire at bay and relatively contained so she doesn't feel that there is any imminent threat, but remains prepared and is dialed in to any updated information to act at a moments notice.
Also, my sister-in-law is in the San Diego area contending with my in-laws dwelling since they passed away this summer. She has advised that it almost appears to be a war zone with the influx of the National Guard, Police, Firefighters and the overall feel of masses of people gathering at the Qualcomm Stadium that is only a couple miles down the road from their residence.
One last thought, I watch the news and it is under these stressful circumstances that you find yourself renewed and restored by humanities coming together, helping one another, and grace after losing everything. What is essentially their security and sanctuary, (their home, photos, and pets) people manage to still see the good in spite of their losses. I guess this is where the saying, "Grace under fire," would apply!